Celebrating the Divine Feminine: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Expression

Celebrating the Divine Feminine: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Expression

The Divine Feminine is a celebration of women everywhere, and of the loving feminine energies which now envelope our realm as part of our ascension process.

This will continue to manifest in our reality as the end to all wars, more care for those in need, the ending of toxic relationships, healing mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally; the ending of repression and abuse, better care and love in families, our children as our priorities in all that we do, and so much more.

We have been living in a world where power and fighting and dominant masculine energies have bee pushed to extremes, and happiness, peace and love have been hidden and unattainable, rather than our natural state.

For all of humanity, men and women, the re-emergence of the divine feminine energies will bring balance within.  Loving relationships, and a healthier, happier planet will be the result.

The divine feminine is to be celebrated.  it is the feminine that gives birth to the new, quite literally for humanity, and this creative firepower born from balance and love will change the world.

We are all on this journey together.  It is a journey of freedom, of creation and self expression, or kindness and togetherness, as we all move forward into the light, using love as our guide and not fear.  Ultimately it is a spiritual journey of remembering who we truly are, and of returning to the light.

Love is the answer, always, and in all ways.

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