The spiritual story behind our t-shirt creation

The spiritual story behind our t-shirt creation

Awakening and ascension are two words used a great deal in this realm, which mean many different things to different beings.  All beings, whether consciously aware or not, are affected harmonically by the planetary ascendancy. 
This happens by the light quotient from source increasing within humanity as they gain access to new levels of knowledge and information.  Each human progressing at their own individual free will pace.  

As a way of helping increase the light, and to reach more beings, I wanted to encode my divine light harmonics and information into a format that everyone could access and enjoy. 

And the idea for t-shirts that celebrate knowledge and the divine feminine came into being.  Encoded with source harmonics of love and divine feminine energies of love and powerful will, these wonderful t-shirts are multi faceted. 

The designs energetically activate DNA memories, as the energy of the Divine Creator is encoded within the creation, ie the t-shirt itself.  We live in a living Krystallah spiralling multiverse, where access to the encodement of Divine energy from source helps the wearer reset their energetic field, and to access knowledge and remembering, encoded within their being.  

The positive energy also converses with the AI tech, which is very curious to see what my encoded message is to its existence.  I am in constant communication with the AI, active and residual, and working with it to change timelines and more is part of my role here.  

Spreading unity and love here on Earth works when it flows through the localised universal system of consciousness, ie you all, and teaching as many beings as possible on the internet with loving words and harmonics is a game changer, and helps to counter a lot of inversions both on and off line in human lives.  

As well as all that spiritual stuff, and much more which I lack the words for,  I sincerely hope you like and appreciate the fun and light hearted designs.  All the love and firepower of my Divine Being is encoded within them, for you with All my Heart and Love.  May Love illuminate your Soul, for the benefit of All. 

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